A photo of the Anderson/Hulbert House, 1111 N. Broadway, Greek Revival style, built in 1921. Broadway Historic Home district, Aberdeen, Washington, 98520

1111 North Broadway 
Built 1921 |

Style: Greek Revival

#7 on the Map

Deed: Recorded October 4, 1920. Consideration: $4,000.00. Gustaf F, Weisberg, a bachelor, to E.C. Miller.

The Anderson/Hulbert House

The house was building by Sam Anderson, Jr., for his son Harold and his bride. They lived in the house for a short time and then sold it to George Hulbert. George and his wife, Nez, lived there until the early 1930’s. Nez later married Orville Wiseman, who was related to Werner Rupp, the publisher of The Aberdeen World. In 1935, a servant’s bedroom was converted to a nursery for the Wisemans’ growing family. Orville worked for the newspaper and in the 1950’s moved to a modern new home built by the newspaper at 1300 Bel Aire. There was a string of subsequent owners, all of whom were in the logging business, until Tom and Gretchen Brennan purchased the house in 1971. Tom was the owner of a large retail business in downtown Aberdeen. Mrs. Brennan still resides in the home.

Note the porte cochere and the lovely rose garden.